Tribe Productions presents Working: The Musical, music/ lyrics by Stephen Schwartz (Godspell, Pippin, WICKED) and others. The musical is based on the Studs Terkel book Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do (1974). The book and musical may have been created in the ‘70s, but the tale of people’s means of income is timeless. This version has white collar workers (socialite, Wall Street exec) and blue collar (iron worker, stone cutter), one from the “red light” district and many more. Their stories are very heart-warming, touching and relatable…something for everyone.
The ensemble casts consists of 5 men and 6 women who do a superb job changing (literally) in and out of various characters. Everyone gets their moment in the spotlight to sing and share what it’s like to be (for example) a housewife, maid, trucker, fireman and so on. Ones that stood out to me were the project manager, third grade teacher, migrant worker (who sings one of the most beautiful songs) and the hilarious blogger. But then there is a fun favorite, Trader Joe’s employees. You will laugh; you will cheer and maybe even shed a tear or two. In this time and age, this musical is for those working or in the midst of finding work.