Thursday, April 14, 2011


Run — don’t walk — to see this riveting play called Power in the Blood by Sarah Bewley. It stars the Hollywood theatrical debut of JR Sterling (Ezekiel), the wonderful Kenneth Phenix (Ranger Hardgrove), Nirayl Wilcox as one funny/sassy Sister, sweet Carla Valentine (Miss Blanchard) and Tracy Littlejohn as roving reporter Roberta Minks. (Tracy does double duty as one of the producers, along with Artistic Director John Lant.

Young Ezekiel is a man with the miracle of the stigmata. Ranger “buys” Ezekiel off of Sister and takes him on the road. Soon, miracles are happening and their biggest advocate, Miss Blanchard, spreads the gospel about this gift from God.

Churches are filling up and so are the coffers! Soon, a reporter interviews Ezekiel and comes back a year later asking some questions. The play is dramatic but not heavy. There are lots of witty lines and comic relief from Sister. The center of the play is Ranger Hardgrove’s change of faith, but you also see where the others stand in their faith.

Director Jim Blanchette is an actor’s dream. He allows the actors to bring Sarah’s prolific words to life as each one has their moment in the spotlight. There is great balance, heart and soul throughout the performance. I can only hope that Power in the Blood makes its way to the Great White Way… Broadway that is!

Currently at the historic Stella Adler Theatre is a pair of one-act plays written by Timothy McNeil. First up is The Boneyard starring Amanda Dreschler as “Corinne” and Erik Santiago as “Albert.” With a minimal stage setting at a cemetery, these two play homeless people searching for Albert’s buried father. There is no love lost for this absent father, yet Albert has to come to terms with the baggage he literally and figuratively carries. Corinne is the extroverted comic relief who has quite the mouth while Albert is more of the introvert. They play off each other quite effectively. You know the saying: opposites attract!

The headliner Dead Pussy is a dramedy starring Jacquie Donley as “Ruth Crable,” Frank Zapata as her husband “Mike Crable” and Angela Oakenfold as “Boots.” (Side note: Angela also directed The Boneyard.) We watch as Ruth descends into a downward spiral over her lack of money, failed marriage and an unfulfilling job. However, the straw that breaks this camel’s back is the death of her beloved cat Boots. As Ruth becomes more intoxicated, she hallucinates that Boots has manifested into a Beatles-loving Brit. Angela Oakenfold bounces off Jacquie’s hysterical/distraught performance with ease and humor. This black comedy is witty and humorous. If you like The Lieutenant of Inishmore by Martin McDonagh, you will like this play — as I have. It left me wanting more!

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